About Us

Our Philosophy

The Board of Trustees of Trego School are guided by the conviction that every student can learn and has the right to the best education this community can provide. Responsibility for this rest with all citizens, parents, school staff, and students, with the ultimate responsibility for direction and decision-making assumed by the Board of Trustees.

The Board will exert leadership in creating, maintaining and improving the school for the children's educational needs. The focal point of concern in our school system is the student. Organization, staffing, programming, teaching and funding should all be developed primarily and basically to enhance appropriate opportunities for students to learn and develop to their potential--personally, academically and socially.

Our Goals

The Board of Trustees of Trego School shall provide an equal opportunity for all students to receive an education which shall enable each to fulfill their optimum role in society, commensurate with individual ability, in compliance with legal requirements and reflecting the desires of the people.

The instructional programs, methods and resources shall meet the needs of each individual student, regardless of race, color, creed, sex or level of ability. The Board recognizes that equal opportunity in education does not employ uniformity and that each student's unique characteristics must be acknowledged.

The instructional programs, methods and materials shall not imply, teach or encourage any beliefs or practices reflecting bias or discrimination toward other individuals or groups and shall not deny others their basic human rights.

To help students transform their potential into actuality, their basic education should enable them to: 1) find joy in learning, 2) communicate ideas, knowledge, thoughts and feelings in a variety of formats and through a variety of media, 3) reason critically and creatively, 4) develop personal responsibility, 5) assume social responsibility, 6) be effective in a changing world, 7) learn who they are becoming.

Our Mission

1. To build into our students a solid and practical foundation in all subjects taught.

2. To develop in our students a strong sense of responsibility towards themselves and the whole community.

3. To provide our students with a safe and secure environment in which to reach these goals.

4. In conjunction with number 3 above, the Trego School Board of Trustees asks all visitors (parents etc.) to our school to please stop in at the Clerk's office and sign in so that we know you are in the school.